The quote above is very appropriate to explain my outlook this past year. There have been a lot of exciting changes recently that are, quite honestly, a mixed bag of emotions. Last year, with the release of an Orientation Video I did for work, things really picked up momentum and the projects just kept coming one after another. I now have so much content that it has needed its own internal Sharepoint page. Thus True Value Corsicana Media began and it has mostly had a positive reception. It has grown into something larger than anticipated and for that I am extremely grateful. I have had a lot of support behind the effort, and am humbled. The word appreciative seems so insignificant of a word to express my gratitude. It’s been a bit of a mixed bag though and I guess it is true that when you start to get aligned with your calling in life, the hits will start coming. There’s been some heavy hearted situations on a personal level recently. I am thankful that at in general, I have a great workplace. The mix of being both shockingly disappointed and eternally grateful both at the same time! It’s such a weird place to be in and experience. I won’t go into much detail other than that at this time but I at the end of the day I’m thankful for every kind word and gesture from others, because where I’m sitting which feels like the end of a branch at the very top of a tree, the boost from those acts mean substantially more than ever before. It keeps me going and drives me forward. Because without it, the things that have felt like lead weights placed on me would certainly break the branch I’m balancing so precariously on. This thing has taken on wings and has spread its reach. However, the bigger something becomes the more exposure to misinterpretation and it is also a risk. One which I really hope pays off in the end. That being said, this past week we celebrated the 40th Anniversary and it went fantastically, I don’t think it could have been much better. Below is the video I put together from the event along with the artwork I designed for the 40th anniversary. To say this was time consuming is quite an understatement. This was a long and arduous labor of gratitude that I’m pleased with how it turned out. Overall, I am humbled and grateful for this journey thus far. It helps sustain me as I’m faced with some hard to swallow life changes coming up. But my overall thought process is this: it is not lost on me the realization that this is a very rare circumstance I find myself in. Especially with some of the support that have had come my way that literally leaves me speechless in humility. So I will ride this wave as long as I can and I’ll be thankful for it either way.

40th Anniversary Celebration

Legacy Wall Design for the 40th Anniversary

True Qualities Poster Series (now hanging on display in our Red Room)


