This documentary just released this year in 2024, is a must see, eye-opening look at the current corrupt system. (For clarity, this is not a Pack Productions creation but needs to be promoted and recommended nonetheless) The preview clip here pretty succinctly explains most of the ways in which families are routinely traumatized by the system and how this same system refuses to reform a structure that rewards their continued abuse of power. If you’re like me, I personally had no idea any of this went on, believing that the justice system would surely provide competent and common sense solutions - until I found myself caught up in it. The reality is that you are more likely to fare better in criminal court any day than to even be heard in family court. The stories of unnecessary agony, pain and suffering are numerous and sadly this is the most common outcome one can expect.

This is a classic tactic of our government, used for other nefarious purposes to great success in the past: keep people from organizing and trying to challenge the system by getting them to instead fight amongst themselves. You can see how this played out with civil rights, by instilling a revolting sense of false superiority among poorer whites over people of color thereby keeping them from organizing alongside the civil rights leaders. It’s sad to realize how many bought this lie, but sadder still to see how effective it was in slowing real progress and in the end we all lost to the elites in power. Apathy is a good friend to the corrupt.

So, this topic may not affect you personally, but it probably touches someone close to you in some way. Instead of turning away, I would highly recommend watching and asking yourself how you might feel if it were you and your children who were being played as pawns in a larger scheme and realizing that under the current system, you were highly unlikely to have even an opportunity presented to be heard. Unless you could afford an excellent attorney’s fees on top of the system already arbitrarily siphoning one third of your income or more. But even if you had the best attorney money could by, the odds still are not in your favor.

If there’s any scenario wherein you could imagine the exploitation of your own children in exchange for government funds, which can absolutely happen to anyone, then please educate yourself to the reality before us all.


