
 As you stand on the threshold of this new chapter in your life, my heart swells with pride and love for the incredible person you have become. Graduating college is no small feat, and your tenacity and resilience in the face of whatever obstacles present themselves are truly inspiring. 

 I remember the day you were born, holding you in my arms for the first time, and feeling so enamored at this tiny little blessing that I literally could not put you down!  In fact, I may have spoiled you a bit because you expected that treatment even after we brought you home and had a hard time getting you to sleep in your crib. (Sorry, not sorry as I’d do it again if I had the chance! Lol).  Watching you grow and mature over the years and seeing all that you’ve accomplished is such a blessing to this dad’s heart.  That overabundance of love and admiration towards you persists to this day.

 I’m excited for you as you and Ty begin this adventure of a life together.  Speaking of, I couldn’t ask for a better person for you at your side than Ty.  As a bonus, his family is a collection of such great souls who are full of love and who are just as thrilled at your accomplishments as if you’d been with them and known them your whole life. 

 These are just words of course and I don’t think I could compose anything to adequately express the feelings I have within, but you must know that these words are from my heart and reflect just a fraction of the love and gratitude I have inside for the privilege of being your dad. Despite whatever life throws at us, I know that there exists within you at your core the deep connection we share, the thread that neither distance nor circumstance will ever sever. There are things I wish I would have done better or differently and many ways in which I may have not met your expectations and for that I cannot undo or change and that makes my heart hurt profoundly.  But through difficulties this has just made your resilience shine even brighter. 

“Though she be but little, she is fierce!”


Now you will begin your adventures in education and your impact will reverberate down through the years in the young people who are lucky to have you as their teacher. It’s your calling in life, and although there will be some tough days and even tougher circumstances you may encounter, I know your light will shine through and your realm of influence will create a brighter place as a result.

In closing, I’ll share with you a few things that I have learned over the years. We only regret the chances we didn’t take: remember that the gifts you possess within you are there for a reason, so be fearless as you move forward because the world needs your talents. Those who think they know everything, actually know nothing: so remain humble, stay open hearted and open minded. When in doubt, err on the side of compassion towards others. When confronted with an incomplete picture, never assume but rather seek out the answers for yourself before reaching solid conclusions. Always keep learning. The world’s greatest achievements are never created in a vacuum, but are accomplished through collaboration with others of differing mindsets, experiences, and backgrounds.

“What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us.”

-Henry David Thoreau

And most importantly, remember that I am always here for you and love you with every fiber of my being. My door is always open to you at any time and for any reason and no circumstances will ever change that. You deserve the best of all that life has to offer, and I have no doubt that the best is yet to come for you.


