The act of observation is an act of fact-creation.
— Christopher Fuchs, Quantum Physicist
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
— Unknown Author (summary from a Carl Jung quote)

In our day and age of exponential discoveries in science and technology, the unknown begins to become known more and more each day. But despite the advancements, there are areas that defy human understanding. No one really understands consciousness or even what it is fundamentally. Despite being able to see out further into space than ever before, we have barely even begun to scratch the surface. In fact, if the universe were the size of the ocean, the equivalent amount of what we have been able to observe would fit into a twelve ounce glass of water. And while we are discussing the ocean, you might be surprised to know that a vast amount of our own oceans have still not been explored. So it’s safe to say that there is still a lot we just don’t know. But sometimes, we are able to discover things that, although still cannot be scientifically explained, are a beautiful peek into the window of the profound mysteries of life itself. The quantum realm which science has only started to grasp, defies all explanation and operates by it’s own set of rules. But it does have some consistency to it’s randomness and the story that that consistency tells us is no less than astounding.

This is an area where we can see that the very nature of reality lines up with philosophy. On the smallest level possible, it has been repeatedly observed that subatomic particles behave in a random way, exhibiting all possible outcomes simultaneously (and outside even the constraints of time itself) until it is consciously observed at which point the waveform collapses into one state or another. Considering that particles themselves have no awareness, the only conclusion is that it is this “Observer Effect” which cannot be fully explained is the result of human interaction. Meaning that it is not until a human interaction happens that the wavelength of all possibilities collapses into a realistic course of action. That, to me, has to be one of the most impactful discoveries ever made. And shows that our conscious will can, in absolute fact, create reality and on the most fundamental realm of our existence. Since all things are made up of atoms, whose subatomic particles are exhibiting this behavior, it is imbedded into the very fiber of our being.

We know what we are, but not what we may be.
— Shakespeare

Imagine if we were able to tap into such potential. If people could really focus on it and not lose hope that the destinies with which they were infused with from their very beginning would materialize in due time. How might that change our world for the better? Often in icebreaker sessions or boardroom meetings people will ask you a hypothetical question, “If money were no object, what would you do?”. Usually some will answer with some trivial material wishes that come from a place of ego. However, more often than not, you will get an answer which comes from their very core. It bursts its way through the messiness of life, through the temporal political affiliations, bubbles past the brief roles that we cling to and reveals itself in such a succinct way. An internal gravitational pull, aligned with that which we all want for ourselves - which is to be able to use our natural gifts for the betterment of others. To make a difference in the world in some specific way.

The alarm bells ring out loudly in the background, the doomsday clock inches closer and closer to an inescapable midnight. With our blinders on and feeling comfy in our own self-made echo chambers we continue to march into the abyss, towing our children behind to inherit a bankrupt future and fight to survive in an environment that is so out of sync with modernity that it poisons rather than supports. There are no adults in charge. We are like latch-key kids who come home to an empty house and make their own dinner from the meal kit box of Chef Simply Daily Survival. It should be no surprise to any critical thinking person that our current institutions have failed us and they instead cast blame on various “others”, shrugging shoulders without answers and complain that it’s just too hard to fix what we certainly did not do, “but vote for me and I’ll be sure to make ‘said others’ pay.” Or perhaps “for a monthly fee of $19.99 we can provide you with some tiny material comforts to help you not fret over the worries of tomorrow.” The constant barrage of intentional distractions grows more and more intense each day.

What if, after all, we discovered a profound new level of control we have over our own destinies? When, instead of relenting control to the whims of fate, we take complete ownership of our course in life? Think about the things you might do if you realized the power of your intentionality and that your future is yours to claim, not dependent upon any other being than yourself. This is both an empowering and equally frightening concept. But I would always rather know and live in the truth than in some facade of a construct made to keep order and control. This realization is necessary in order for us to awaken and perhaps avoid our own extinction. And it should be abundantly clear that the status quo institutions are not the answer, but very often are part of the problem.

It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.
— Shakespeare

In another blog post a few years back, I referenced the term epistemic humility. The word epistemic means relating to knowledge or to the degree of its validation.  Therefore, epistemic humility is having an appreciation for the fact that you don’t know and will never know everything there is to know. To quote the Bard of Avon, William Shakespeare himself: “The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.” Those who claim to have complete knowledge with assuredness are foolish. But we do get pieces of the larger puzzle along the way which allow us to recalibrate and sometimes discover some profound elements to our reality that we can use to improve our lives.

This is not about some genie in a bottle who grants you whatever selfish material desire you want. Mountains will not start moving tomorrow nor will things simply appear out of thin air like magic. But if you quiet those growing distractions and spend some time focusing intentionally on what it is you were put here to accomplish and visualize exactly how you would feel as this version of yourself, which does not come from a place of ego but instead will always have some element of you making the world better than it would have been without you in it - we might just be surprised at what we are capable of doing.

Continue with the video below, which explains how the science from the above video greatly affects our own lives and how these concepts are affecting you right now whether you realize it or not.

(So Below, As Above)

connecting the quantum dots right to your own doorstep: the physics of possibility

Click Here for Additional Information

Discovery Science Article

PBS Science Article

Cosmos: Possible Worlds

Video References:

Daily Science Minute Podcast.  Dr. Quantum and the Double Slit Experiment, Cosmos:  Possible Worlds (NatGeo)

